Pilot Solution ®

General terms and conditions

1. PARTIES AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT: (hereinafter also referred to as General Terms and Conditions or GTC):

On the one hand, the service provider, LLG SOFTWARE LLC, whose trade name is PILOT SOLUTION (hereinafter also referred to as the provider), with its registered office at 9130 S Dadeland Blvd, Miami, Florida 33156, United States of America, N.I.F. 30-1168600, and email: info@pilotsolution.net, being the owner of the website www.pilotsolution.net, sets out the contractual document that will govern the subscription service contract through the aforementioned website.

On the other hand, the User - Customer (hereinafter the User), registered on the website with a username and password, for which they are fully responsible for use and custody, being responsible for the truthfulness of the personal data provided to the provider.

BOTH PARTIES ACCEPT this document, which implies that the user:

  • a. Has read, understands, and comprehends what is stated here.
  • b. Is of legal age and has sufficient capacity to contract.
  • c. Assumes all the obligations set forth here.
  • d. Has read and accepts these general purchasing conditions from the moment they acquire any offered service.

This document can be printed and stored by Users.

The provider offers Users the email address info@pilotsolution.net to raise any questions about these conditions.

These conditions will have an indefinite validity period and will apply to all contracts made through the provider’s website www.pilotsolution.net.

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these General Terms and Conditions, without affecting the goods or promotions acquired prior to the modification, in order to improve the services offered. In any case, before purchasing the services, these general conditions should be consulted.

It is advisable to keep a copy of the data contained in the purchased services.

PILOT SOLUTION is not responsible for the consequences that may result from improper use of the services for sale on the website.

The user waives any claim against PILOT SOLUTION for any reason in any case of dissatisfaction with the services purchased on the website www.pilotsolution.net, as well as possible failures, access slowness, or errors in accessing the website, including data loss or other information that may exist on the user’s computer or network accessing the website www.pilotsolution.net.

PILOT SOLUTION is a company specializing in the sale of software for the automotive industry, and its website offers the monthly subscription to the “PILOT ONE” program, a CRM for professional sellers in the mobility industry. The provider does not have any physical stores for selling its services.

  • 2.1 Scope of application: This contract aims to regulate the contractual relationship for service provision arising between the provider and the user at the moment when the latter accepts these purchasing conditions during the online contracting process by checking the corresponding box. These GTC will apply from the day the reservation is made.
    The contractual relationship involves access to or execution of a specific service in exchange for a specified and publicly displayed price on the website. The specific details of each offered service—content, price, payment method, type of service, etc.—are stated in this document and on the website in the corresponding section, specifying the contracting procedure.
  • 2.2 Territory of application: The virtual store of www.pilotsolution.net is active worldwide.
  • 2.3 Capacity to contract: To make a reservation, you must be of legal age and have the capacity to contract.
  • 2.4 Acceptance by the customer: Validating a reservation through the website www.pilotsolution.net is done via email and also implies automatic acceptance of the GTC. These conditions are available on the website www.pilotsolution.net or, if you wish and request, we can provide them to you by email.
  • 2.5. Modification of the General Terms and Conditions of Contract: PILOT SOLUTION reserves the right to make changes and/or modifications to these GTC. We advise our customers to review them regularly. If these changes or modifications are introduced after the reservation is made, the conditions in force on the date of the reservation will apply.
  • 3.1 Publication of prices: The prices of the services are those displayed on our website www.pilotsolution.net. All prices shown on the www.pilotsolution.net store include the applicable taxes at the time of purchase. All prices listed on the website are valid and will be expressed in US dollars; the user can select their country to view the price in their currency.
  • The User is solely responsible for paying the invoices addressed to them. If an invoice is required, the user must request it via the initial contact email.
  • The applicable prices for each service will be those published on the website and automatically applied by the contracting process in its final phase.
  • In the case of limited-time promotions, the promotional discount will be applied provided that the order is placed during the promotion period.
  • The data recorded in the payment method constitutes proof of the date when financial transactions were made and will be used to determine whether or not it is subject to promotion.
  • 3.2 Information about services: The information contained in our advertisements, brochures, other written material, on our website, or provided to you constitutes an invitation to make a purchase. The content on www.pilotsolution.net is continuously renewed and updated to offer our customers the most complete and detailed information possible. All contractual information present on www.pilotsolution.net is displayed in Spanish (Castilian) and communication with customers and users, as well as the formalization of the contract, will be in this language. However, if the customer prefers, it can be done in English, provided they indicate this before starting the contracting process.
  • 3.3 Order process and validation: Purchasing a service through the website constitutes an irrevocable acceptance of these conditions, and can only be contested in the limited cases provided for in them. Consequently, PILOT SOLUTION can under no circumstances be held responsible for the non-performance or poor performance of the contracted services due to the entry of particular User data.
  • 3.6 Fraud: If PILOT SOLUTION suspects or detects any anomaly or fraud, it reserves the right to cancel the transaction for security reasons.

To access the services offered by the provider, the user must register through the website by creating a user account. To do this, the user must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be required.

The user will select a username and password, committing to use them diligently and not make them available to third parties, as well as to inform the provider of any loss or theft of them or any possible access by an unauthorized third party so that the provider can proceed with immediate blocking.

The user may not choose usernames that are intended to confuse others by identifying themselves as a member of the provider, as well as offensive, defamatory expressions and, in general, those contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and good customs.

Once the user account has been created, we inform you that in accordance with the requirements of art. 27 of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the contracting procedure will follow the following steps:

  • 1. Select the service by clicking on it, and then on “Subscribe now.”
  • 2. After selecting the service, you will be asked for the user credentials to make the purchase (this registration is free). You will need to complete a data collection form (where you must accept the Privacy Policy). Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email at the indicated email address.
    You should check your spam and junk mail folders and always verify that the contact details you provide are correct.
  • 3. Once registered, an observation screen will appear, indicating that you have a 15-day free trial period. After this period, monthly billing will start according to the specified payment system; a verification box that you must check as acceptance of these General Contract Clauses and the Privacy Policy.
  • 4. To complete the process, click on the confirmation button.

In any case, the provider’s contracting platform will inform the user, once the contracting procedure is complete, via email regarding all the characteristics.

If there are any errors in your personal data, you must immediately notify the email address that will appear on the website to correct this error.

PILOT SOLUTION will provide customer service FREE of charge via our contact email info@pilotsolution.net; if you choose another communication method, the user will be responsible for the associated cost.


PILOT SOLUTION will not send any receipt until payment has been confirmed. The purchase of services does not involve the physical delivery of any product, with the execution of the service being the contracted item.


The available payment system is via PayPal: Once the purchase is completed, if this payment method is chosen, you will be redirected to the official PayPal website where you can make the payment. Once payment is correctly processed, your order will be finalized, and an email with the summary of your purchase will be sent. By clicking the “Return to Website” button, you will return to the website to view and print your order.

PayPal automatically encrypts confidential data using the most advanced technologies available on the market. PayPal has its own privacy policies, and PILOT SOLUTION has no responsibility for them.

Users making the purchase from Argentina can also pay with Mercado Pago.


The User cannot exercise the right of withdrawal for contracts related to the provision of services once the service has been fully executed, when execution has begun, with the prior express consent of the consumer and user, and with the acknowledgment that once the contract has been fully executed by the provider, they will have lost their right of withdrawal, in accordance with Article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.


Once the monthly subscription is contracted, the user has one month to use the application. The month starts counting from the same day the user makes the payment. At any time, you can cancel your subscription from your personal area or by contacting customer service at the email address provided at the beginning of these general terms and conditions. In case of cancellation before the end of the contracted month, the user will still be able to use the application until the end of their period.


The provider will not be responsible for any non-performance due to unforeseen circumstances or causes beyond the control of PILOT SOLUTION, including but not limited to cases of force majeure, disturbances, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fires, floods, accidents, strikes, lockouts, or shortages of transportation, facilities, fuel, energy, labor, or materials.

In case of delay, PILOT SOLUTION may be excused from performance to the extent that it is delayed or prevented by such causes, and for the entire duration of the delay.


The User cannot assign, transfer, or transmit the rights, responsibilities, and obligations contracted in the sale.
If any provision of these conditions is deemed null or impossible to comply with, the validity, legality, and enforcement of the remaining provisions will not be affected in any way, nor will they be modified in any way.


Any complaint that the User considers appropriate will be addressed as promptly as possible, and can be made to the following contact addresses:

Postal: PILOT SOLUTION, 9130 S Dadeland Blvd, Miami, Florida 33156, United States of America

Email: info@pilotsolution.net

In case of a complaint or dispute of any nature, PILOT SOLUTION and the User agree to attempt to resolve the complaint or conflict amicably.

Online Dispute Resolution

According to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free access platform for the online resolution of disputes between the User/Customer and the provider, without the need to go to court, through the intervention of a third party, called a Dispute Resolution Body, which acts as an intermediary between both parties. This body is neutral and will communicate with both parties to reach an agreement, and may ultimately suggest and/or impose a solution to the conflict.

Link to the ODR platform.


These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish law where not expressly established. The provider and the user agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of the services subject to these Conditions to the Courts and Tribunals of the user's domicile (considered a consumer for the purposes of TRLGDCU).


Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please send them through our contact form.

Additionally, we have official complaint forms available for consumers and users. You can request them through our contact form or by writing to us at info@pilotsolution.net.