Pilot Solution ®

Automation Automation

Reach more velocity in the communication with customers through processes automation.


Create your own automatic rules

Automatize your emails or SMS sending and organize your rules with groupers to have a visual order that will make the management easier.


Communicate processes progress to your customers

Any time that a new sale is created, a planned customer visit is done, or a new survey is answered, you can send an automatic email to the correspondent department. ​


Send information, alerts o reminders

When you create an appointment to the workshop or a test drive, you can set up an alert or reminder to the lead with the shift information. Also, you can send an email with the necessary documents to receive the new vehicle when you schedule the delivery. ​


Send satisfaction surveys

You can create a business rule where from different events happened in Pilot, a satisfaction survey can be sent to the customer. ​

Take a look to this examples of uses to create your own rules

After closing a sale send a satisfaction survey with a customized email offering accessories, insurance or a new maintenance service.
Send information about the administrative process updating to the customer; notification about the date and time of the vehicle delivery; generate automatically a satisfaction survey after the delivery.
If the vehicle is in the workshop, send notifications to inform in which state it is. Lead creation to re-scheduling the appointment or to create a new one.
Create surveys from different events that happen inside Pilot to measure customer satisfaction. If the customer grade is not the expected, it can create a HOT ALERT notification to the quality assurance team to work on it.

And there are many other things that will help your company to be faster in communication with customers!